Nuovo prodotto
1997, Feat. Octinomos, The Abyss, Morifade, Vergelmer jne. jäseniä. Metallin ammattilaiset Peter Tägtren, Frederik Söderlund ja Havard Ellefsen alias Mortiis, ovat olleet mukana jossakin muodossa vaikuttamassa.
Attenzione: Ultimi articoli in magazzino!
Disponibile dal:
01. Inductio
02. General Enmity
03. No Will Without Fire
04. Unstained Progress
05. Nature Red in Tooth and Claw
06. An Impending Disaster
07. Mangod Hold the Sceptre
08. Lies of Human Value
09. The Angel of Decease
10. Indifference Beyond Misanthropy
11. It’s Darker in the Present
12. The Root of Inhumanity / Conclusio